Welcome to Freid Tong's Homepage
Contact Information
Department of Mathematics
University of Toronto
40 St. George St.
Toronto, Ontario, Canada
Office: BA6214 (Bahen Center)
Email: freid.tong@utoronto.ca
About me
I am an assistant professor at the University of Toronto.
Previously I was a postdoctoral fellow at Harvard University from 2021-2024, and at SLMath in the Fall of 2024.
My research interests lies in complex geometry, geometric analysis, and nonlinear PDEs.
This semester, I am teaching MAT458/MAT1001: Real Analysis II.
Ph.D. in Mathematics, Columbia University, 2016-2021. Advisor: Prof. D.H. Phong
B.S. in Mathematics with high distinction, University of Toronto, 2012-2016.
Publication and Preprints
A free-boundary Monge-Ampere equation and applications to complete Calabi-Yau metrics. (with T.C. Collins and S.T. Yau) arXiv
Generalized Monge-Ampere functionals and related variational problems. (with S.T. Yau) arXiv
On the modulus of continuity of solutions to complex Monge-Ampere equations. (with B. Guo, D.H. Phong and C. Wang) arXiv
On L^∞ estimates for Monge-Ampere and Hessian equations on nef classes. (with B. Guo, D.H. Phong and C. Wang) Analysis & PDE. (2024) arXiv
On the Hessian-cscK equations. (with B. Guo and K. Smith) Math. Z. (2023) arXiv
Stability estimates for the complex Monge-Ampere and Hessian equations. (with B. Guo and D.H. Phong) Calculus of Variations and PDEs. (2023). arXiv
A new gradient estimate for the complex Monge-Ampere equation. (with B. Guo and D.H. Phong) Math. Ann. (2022). arXiv
On L^∞ estimates for complex Monge-Ampere equations. (with B. Guo and D.H. Phong) Annals of Math. (2023). arXiv
On the degeneration of asymptotically conical Calabi-Yau metrics. (with T.C. Collins and B. Guo) Math. Ann. (2022). arXiv
A new positivity condition for the curvature of Hermitian manifolds. Math. Z. (2021). arXiv
Longtime existence of Kähler-Ricci flow and holomorphic sectional curvature. (with S. Huang, M.-C. Lee and L.F. Tam) Comm. Anal. Geom. (2023) arXiv
The Kähler-Ricci flow on manifolds with negative holomorphic curvature. arXiv
Past Teaching/Mentoring
Instructor for MATH289Y: Topics in Geometric PDEs, Harvard University, Fall 2023
Instructor for Math 1b, Harvard University, Fall 2022
During Summer 2022, I was a research mentor for Introduction to Mathematical Research course at Harvard and I supervised 3 undergraduate student projects.
Instructor for Linear Algebra, Columbia University, Summer 2021
Instructor for Calculus IV, Columbia University, Summer 2020
Instructor for Calculus IV, Columbia University, Summer 2019
Seminars and Workshops
CMSA Member's Seminar Fall 2022, Harvard's CMSA
CMSA Member's Seminar 2021-2022, Harvard's CMSA
Informal Complex Geometry and PDE Seminar, Columbia University
Student Geometric Analysis Seminar, Columbia University